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COVID19 E-cigarette Ban? – Nicotine Means Patients In Pain! – Joint UK and Canadian Teen Vape Study Launched and VPZ NHS Vouchers Slammed!


Call To Ban All E-cigarettes Because Of Covid-19

If you thought the politicians over in the USA couldn’t get any crazier now they’re demanding a COVID19 e-cigarette ban…

Yes really…

india vape ban black market

Not a word – of course – about lit tobacco which kills more people daily than the coronavirus could only dream of…

The call comes after an extremely dubious [putting it mildly] ‘study’ suggests kids that vape are all probably going to die from the ‘disease’ killing everyone else in the process.

OK…and breathe…pun intended…

In a letter to the FDA, Democrat Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, says teens that vape are probably infecting the whole nation with the virus…yeah really lol…

He says the study proves vapers of all ages are more likely to contract COVID-19 adding:

This is true in vapers as young as 13, which is particularly concerning, given that young people are increasingly driving the spread of COVID-19, threatening the health and safety of Americans of all ages.

Forget the science showing young people are way less likely to pass on the covids and you can see he’s talking out of his ignorant arse – that’s ass for our American readers.

This new study, titled Association Between Youth Smoking, Electronic Cigarette Use, and Coronavirus Disease 2019 – makes some quite shocking claims.

Researchers reckon kids that vape or smoke could be up to 7 times more likely to get the virus.

Lead ‘scientist’ Professor Bonnie Halpern-Felsher from Stanford University no less says:

We thought that we’d see some relationship.

We did not expect to see a five to seven times more likely relationship.

That’s huge.

About half of the sample was sheltering in place — because we did ask that — but that doesn’t mean they’re not in the backyard with a friend sharing their vaping product.

Sounds scary huh?

Until of course you look at the methods used to gather this ‘evidence’.

The study was held online and those that responded were anonymous – meaning I’d hedge a bet the vast majority of the participants were anti-vaping soccer moms called Karen…

Hush my mouth