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EuroGarages take a huge ‘byte’ into furthering their vaping category growth!


Despite the current challenges facing many retailers, the UK convenience/forecourt giant EuroGarages (EG) have not looked back so far as their vaping category sales are concerned.  The strength of EG’s vaping sales, led by the Totally Wicked brand will see the recently launched Totally Wicked byte closed pod device launch into 400+ EuroGarages forecourt & convenience outlets throughout the UK and over 75 sites in Germany, as they seek to further drive their vaping category leadership under the Totally Wicked brand. 

byte cdu

Since 2017, the brand partnership has delivered significant incremental growth in EuroGarages vaping category sales, which has seen the partnership lead the ‘off gantry’ FSDU sales of vaping products in convenience/forecourts, next generation gantry development, and more recently a number of store within store concept ‘Mini Store’ formats. 

Totally Wicked are the UK’s NO1 vaping brand and since 2008 have been purposed behind ‘Empowering Smokers to Transform Their Lives’.  The vaping category has grown exponentially reaching over £1.1bn and as a result, understanding the consumer journey/lifecycle has become key to future retailer growth.  The role of flavours/variable strengths and economically effective solutions to support a vapers journey is now key to driving retention/loyalty, and category growth.


Julian Urry, Totally Wicked’s Retail Director comments;

Our journey with the Team at EuroGarages has been incredibly enjoyable and mutually rewarding for both brands. I distinctly remember our first meeting with the EG Team, and it was clearly evident that EG would never settle for second best, their stated intention was to become the leading forecourts/convenience retailer of vaping products and to deliver this intent they wanted to engage with a leading brand.  We remain as focused and committed to our category growth partnership today as we were in 2017, and the latest roll out in the UK and Germany is testament to that ambition.EuroGarges appetite for vaping success continues and the Totally Wicked byte will undoubtedly help feed this hunger for success’

News from: https://www.totallywicked-eliquid.co.uk/vaped/eurogarages-take-a-huge-byte-into-furthering-their-vaping-category-growth/