Launched by the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction (GSTHR), the Tobacco Harm Reduction: A Burning Issue for Asia report, the paper revealed the terrible toll of the tobacco crisis in Asia. Approximately 6 in 10 of the world’s smokers, and 9 in 10 users of dangerous oral smokeless tobacco (SLT) are believed to live in the region, and the report illustrates evidence of the continued failure of current tobacco control measures and the need for new, pragmatic solutions.
Despite the huge discrepancy between the number of smokers and number of vapers in Asia, the briefing shows that the continent has been at the forefront of several key THR successes. The first vaping device was developed by a Chinese scientist, whilst in Japan, since the increase in HTP consumption, cigarette sales have dropped by 32%.
The event was co-hosted GSTHR and Association of Vapers India (AVI), and will be featuring the five leading regional commentators and advocates, Nancy Loucas from The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA), New Zealand), Samsul Kamal Arrifin (Malaysian Organization of Vape Entity), Joaqui Gallardo (Vaper AKO, Philippines), Asa Saligupta (ENDs Cigarette Smoke Thailand) and Samrat Chowdhery from AVI and the International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations (INNCO).
The event which took place yesterday, on Sunday 18th April from 10am UK/14:30 India/16:00 Thailand/17:00 Hong Kong, may be accessed at Harry Shapiro, the report author, said everyone has been invited to join the discussion. “Tobacco harm reduction is truly a burning issue for Asia. Many of Asia’s millions of smoking-related deaths are preventable – if only consumers had access to safer nicotine products. Unfortunately, the failing WHO FCTC and a barrage of misinformation and anti-THR propaganda is getting in the way of public health progress in the region. Join me and our panel for the event on Sunday 18 April, and take part in the discussion.”
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