“As the tobacco epidemic has waned, it has been followed by the advent of electronic nicotine delivery devices,” the Academy says – ignoring that vaping has played a fundamental role in reducing smoking rates.
It continues by making the claim devices are “primarily manufactured by the tobacco industry” and that vaping products exist “to try to recruit replacements for deceased tobacco addicts.”
The lying and half-truths don’t stop there. The Academy goes on to state that “e-cigarettes include numerous unregulated chemicals”, wholly untrue given the regulation imposed by the UK Government and the European Union, and that e-liquids include “known carcinogens” without reference to the drastically reduced levels compared to tobacco smoke.
The European Academy of Paediatrics states that vaping is not safer than smoking in the long-term – without any evidence to support this. It also says “there is no evidence” to support the believe that vaping works for smoking cessation – despite clear gold standard work showing otherwise from Professor Peter Hajek and the ongoing independent Cochrane Review process.
The only way to describe the statement “there is no evidence of superiority of e-cigarettes over standard techniques such as nicotine replacement therapy and pharmacological methods such as buprion and varinecycline” is that it is an absolute lie.
The Academy, “regards these devices and liquids as very dangerous, and ineluctably opposed to their use, and their direct or indirect marketing.”
It makes ten totally deranged recommendations:
Our recommendation is that politicians and public health bodies completely ignore The European Academy of Paediatrics. Also, that an independent British academic approach Professor Andrew Bush and hand him a copy of the 2021 PHE report, plus the position statements from the RCGP, the RCP, Cancer Research UK, ASH, and the RCN.
News from:https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/news/vaping-news/2021-11-05_paediatricians-attack-ecigs.html