Not only does the UK lead the world in its approach to tobacco harm reduction by supporting switching to vaping for current smokers, but Planet of the Vapes has been told the Prime Minister himself vapes.
The PM was previously seen smoking a cigar after the birth of one of his children which, if he did that for each one, probably makes him a heavy user of tobacco. Joking aside, the Prime Minister was seen on a video screen, exhaling a plume of vapour as the trailer was towed around Westminster on Wednesday 8 September.
It raises hopes that he could be supportive of the UK standing up to the World Health Organization (WHO) later this year at its Conference of Parties (COP9) and promoting vaping to reduce tobacco related disease.
In November, at the COP9 on tobacco control, WHO will ask its member states to further restrict e-cigarettes, which Public Health England says are 95 per cent safer than smoking, are the best cessation tool and save countless lives.
Journalists and vapers are banned from the conference despite the WHO making a commitment to transparency.
Consumer advocacy group We Vape director Mark Oates said: “We need Boris to wake up to the clear and present threat posed by the World Health Organisation against the rights of vapers.
“WHO want it banned and no one knows why, when all science tells us this is the best way to stop people smoking.
“We are being told every day to protect the NHS but yet the World Health Organisation and COP9 pose a real threat to vaping at the NHS's pro -vaping policies.
“The UK is strides ahead of the rest of Europe - bar Sweden - in lowering rates and we cannot let WHO ruin all of our good work.
“We need proper representation at the COP9 and some courage in facing down these bullies at The Hague, who do not act in the interests of the international community they claim to serve. Our message to Boris is simple - Back Vaping. Save Lives.”
The #BackVapingSaveLives campaign is supported by consumer advocacy groups WeVape, The Snus Users Association, as well as media outlets Planet of the Vapes, e-cig click and Vapour Round Magazine.
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