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Post Brexit Vaping Regulations – NNA Offers UK Government A 10 Step Plan


Post Brexit vaping regulations have come under the spotlight with the NNA suggesting a set of proposals to the UK Government.

The 10 step plan covers e-cigarettes, smokeless tobacco – SNUS – and Heat Not Burn devices. The NNA says it’s confident if implemented the new legislation would go a long way to reach the UK Government’s ambitious goal of a smoke-free country by 2030.

Post Brexit Vaping Regulations

The New Nicotine Alliance has written to the health department and unveiled 10 proposals they say will:

…promote both public health and personal economic well being.

The NNA guidelines have been sent to both the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Prevention, Public Health and Primary Care at the Department of Health and Social Care – Jo Churchill – and the Director of the Number 10 Policy Unit – Munira Mirza.

The NNA says it has:

…emphasised how the proposals would meet government targets and add to the leveling up agenda, involve no additional public spending while also offering an opportunity to ‘take back control’ from the mistakes of EU regulation in this policy area.

They are of course talking about the Tobacco Products Directive – TPD. Given the current ‘laws’ are under review, being outside of the EU will mean the UK can set it’s own legislation and the NNA is keen to play an active role in the process.

Post Brexit Vaping Regulations – The 10 Step Plan

The NNA has been joined by pro vaping advocate Clive Bates, the former Director of the Action on Smoking and Health.

As well as the ten proposals, they’ve also sent the UK Government a detailed briefing paper going into fine detail on each of the points raised.

martin cullip clive bates post brexit vaping regulations

Here’s the full set of ten proposals for post Brexit vaping regulations:

  • Lift the ban on oral tobacco (snus) and properly regulate all smokeless tobacco
  • Raise the limit on nicotine concentration in vaping liquids to allow vaping products to compete more effectively with cigarettes
  • Replace bans on advertising of vaping products on TV, radio, internet and in publications with controls on themes and placement
  • Replace blanket bans on advertising of low-risk tobacco products with controls on themes and placement
  • Replace excessive and inappropriate warnings on vaping products with risk communications that encourage smokers to try switching
  • Replace excessive and inappropriate warnings on non-combustible tobacco products
  • Allow and enable candid communication of relative risk to consumers
  • Adopt a fresh approach to pack inserts for both vaping products and cigarettes to encourage switching to lower risk products
  • Remove wasteful restrictions on vaping product tank and e-liquid container size that have no discernible purpose.
  • Recognise and regulate novel oral nicotine products

I don’t think anyone could argue with those points!

The covering letter to the briefing ends with an invitation for the UK Government to work closely with the NNA in formulating the right approach to vaping and other safer nicotine products and ends with the NNA Chair – Martin Cullip writing:

We hope these ideas will help to inform the government’s approach to preventing ill-health and meeting the smoke-free 2030 goal and that they will be included as options for further consultation as the government develops its Smokefree 2030 agenda.

Brexit means Britain can take back control and these reforms show how an independent policy could lead to better health and well being while contributing the levelling-up agenda at a low cost.

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss these ideas with you and to provide more information. Please let us know if a meeting is possible.

Given the UK Government is widely supportive of so called ‘novel nicotine products’ being used to help smokers quit, let’s hope they take on board the NNA’s offer.

News from: https://www.ecigclick.co.uk/post-brexit-vaping-regulations/