To say we’ve been lucky concerning the state of the vape laws on this little old island is an understatement, but UK vaping needs you as a vaper to step up now!
I said we’ve been lucky, what I meant to say is we are only where we’re at compared to other parts of the world thanks to the strong UK consumer and industry advocacy groups.
Most of you probably aren’t aware just how close we came during the build up to the original TPD laws of losing that smart high powered mod you’re using!
That was down to the New Nicotine Alliance lobbying and fighting on our behalf inside the European Union – because trust me, they wanted them banned!
And as you’ve probably read, the anti-vaping EU is currently on a crusade to ban or at least tighten up the laws on all things vape…it never seems to stop!
OK, so what’s the call to action for UK vapers and why should you step up and give a few minutes of your time?
There’s actually two, and both are extremely important if, like me, you want to see vaping continue to succeed here in the UK.
Getting involved in both or just one will take a few moments and YOU can help shape the future of vaping here in the UK.
And what happens here – could shape other countries too – time to actually step up and be part of the so called #vapefam