Big Tobacco Launches Vape Info Website
British American Tobacco [BAT] has launched a website – Vape Explained – that offers advice to vapers and smokers looking to quit.
BAT is behind the Vype Pebble the Vype ePen 3 and others in the Vype range.
Vape Explained covers everything from how vape devices work, where is vaping illegal and other issues such as personal health and vaping.
Kingsley Wheaton, BAT’s Chief Marketing Officer, said:
BAT is committed to building A Better Tomorrow by reducing the health impact of our business.
We have set ourselves a target of having 50 million users of our non-combustible products by 2030.
To achieve this ambition, we must ensure adult consumers have access to the facts about the potentially reduced-risk alternatives available to them. is where smokers and vapers can find clear, simple, fact-based information from a well-known source.
I hope this helps them to make more informed decisions about vaping.
Vape Explained is actually a pretty good site and well worth a visit.
Call To Ban Vape Apps On Google Play Store
Hysterical anti-vaping soccer mom groups are screeching at Google demanding they remove ALL vaping apps from the platform.
It’s an overload of the Karen’s who sadly have a lot of clout – and cash – given they’re funded by our old frenemy Bloomberg – money to burn not heat so to speak.
There’s 179 signatories to the letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and it ain’t just those rabid moms against vaping either [see photo below lol].
The illustrious – lol – list, includes groups such as: Action on Smoking and Health Canada – the Irish Cancer Society – Irish Heart Foundation – Smoke Free Israel and sadly the Tobacco Control Research Group, University of Bath, right here in the UK!
No surprise the Bath TCRG signed – they were the ‘scientists‘ behind the anti-vaping study I covered last week.
I’m not big into vaping apps – or any apps come to that, but a quick look at the Google Store showed only a handful with more than a few designed as safety advice for vapers.
The letter ends:
Today, we are calling on Google to take the next step to protect its users from the global tobacco epidemic by adopting a policy to prohibit applications that encourage purchase or consumption of smoking and vaping products in the Google Play store and immediately removing all such applications.
Given Big Tech pretty much runs most of the world these days, there’s a good chance Google will indeed cave in to the Karen’s, PayPal already has banned all vape payments…
Vape advocacy groups from across the globe have responded with their own letter to Google as to if the techno giant responds…who knows.
Touchscreen Vape Display – A UK First
UK vape retailer AquaVape has launched a new retail touchscreen display.
The company says this is a first of its kind in the UK and should improve the shopper experience.
AuquaVape says the interactive display will be rolled out in a number of convenience stores.
The displays are not just to make purchases either as they’re loaded with a vaping database designed to help shoppers make more informed purchases.
AquaVape director, Ebrahim Kathrada, said:
The e-cigarette market is expanding and as the number of vapers continues to rise, we would encourage retailers to look at their display and make changes.
There is always room for improvement.
We have to understand this completely from a customer’s perspective.
Walking into a store and seeing a wall of vape can be very daunting.
Seems like a great idea – so long as it doesn’t replace jobs…
Science Says CBD Users Safe To Drive
Good news for those of us that use CBD with a new study saying you should be safe to drive.
Unlike cannabis, CBD does not contain THC – the bit that gets you high.
Scientists from the University of Sydney gave subjects a mixture of cannabis and CBD products with some containing high levels of THC.
After 40 minutes the subjects drove about 60 miles – is that on the roads??? It looks like it…wow…
Researcher Thomas Arkell said:
These findings indicate for the first time that CBD, when given without THC, does not affect a subject’s ability to drive.
That’s great news for those using or considering treatment using CBD-based products.
While some previous studies have looked at the effects of cannabis on driving, most have focused on smoked cannabis containing only THC (not CBD) and have not precisely quantified the duration of impairment.
This is the first study to illustrate the lack of CBD effects on driving and to also provide a clear indication of the duration of THC impairment.
Ummm…sounds good…
However, some CBD products are designed to help with sleep issues…I’d definitely not advise driving if you’re using those.
- Read the full study: Effect of Cannabidiol and Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Driving Performance
- Read more about CBD: Vaping CBD – What is CBD? What Are the Benefits? How To Vape…
…and finally..the Perfect Christmas Gift For the ‘Karen‘ In your Life?
If you’re stuck as to what to get the constantly screeching anti-vaping Karen in your life this Christmas – here’s an idea…
Is it me or is that ‘mom’ bearded?
I guess facial hair issues could be the reason they’re always so bloody miserable…
Or…given the current wokeness out there – maybe he/she/they/them are identifying as a mom…crazy times we live in after all…
Anyway, and before I get cancelled, a quick hunt around the internet shows these kind of moms against vaping t-shirts are quite the thing these days…
Which leads me to ask, where’s the moms against smoking t-shirts, bags, caps and mugs?
Things that make you go ummmm lol.
On a serious note…If you’re looking for the perfect pressie for the vaper in your life this Christmas checkout these two articles.
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