“As you know,” says ATHRA, “the Australian Government intends to impose a fine of $220,000 for anyone importing nicotine e-liquid from 1 January 2020. This is a disaster for Australia’s 520,000 vapers. Many will relapse to smoking and others will turn to the black market. Lives will be lost unnecessarily.”
The consumer advocacy organisation believes the most important thing vapers can do is to ram home to Liberal Minister for Health Greg Hunt and his fellow MPs “how important this issue is for YOU and YOUR FAMILY.”
ATHRA says politicians need to understand that vaping is “lifesaving” for all the ex-smokers who have managed to successfully switch away from harmful tobacco use. Australia now has over half a million vapers benefitting from harm reduction – not to mention all of the families and friends who will get to enjoy extra years together.
“That’s a massive slice of voting power. If vapers combine that power and let politicians know their feelings, it will make a difference in any election. Marginal seats determine an election and they can be won or lost by a handful of votes.”
ATHRA has an experienced production team ready to produce an audio-visual campaign. The experts have donated their time and expertise free of charge, but they need vapers to contribute the bulk of the 2-minute video with 10 second clips including comments.
“Our intention is to recruit as many vapers or their supporters including families or friends as well as vape shop owners to feature in the video. This video will be aired on Facebook and other social media platforms. It will be sent to politicians and the media in general. We’ll send it anywhere where it might do some good.
“To participate, you don’t have to leave home and all you need is a mobile phone with a camera. We’ll advise things that we would like you to say, such as why you vape, the positive aspects of vaping from your perspective. Or why you think this ban is wrong or of any benefits that you have gained thanks to vaping. Anything that you think is relevant to promote vaping as a quit smoking aid.
“The video will feature normal people voicing their opinion and with enough vapers and their supporters standing up to be counted, the production technique will leave politicians in no doubt that there are over a half million votes that they could lose across the country if they stay on their current course.”
News from: https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/news/vaping-news/2020-09-08_video-stars-wanted.html