We Vape is a campaign created by vapers for vapers. We provide a voice for the UK vaping community and stand up for the rights of adults looking to improve their health. By raising the collective voice of the UK’s 3.6 million vapers, we hope to help further reduce smoking and to let politicians, the media, the public health community and the anti-vaping brigade know that vaping saves lives.
The number of vapers in the UK has actually declined over the last year dropping from 3.6 million to 3.2 million. We Vape says that this coupled with 61% of smokers believing that vaping is as or more harmful for them than smoking indicates the UK Government should be doing more to encourage and promote the use of vapour products as a quitting tool.
This evidence update has come at the midway point of Stoptober, a national campaign to encourage smokers to quit.
“I’ve experienced first-hand how switching from cigarettes to vaping helps people quit smoking and improve their lives,” said Mark Oates, founder of We Vape. “I want to make sure that the millions of smokers across the UK are encouraged and empowered to make that switch.”
Oates launched We Vape to share vapers’ stories and help the UK’s 7 million smokers make the switch to a better life amid attempts by anti-smoking activists to confuse people into thinking that vaping was as harmful to people’s health as smoking.
The UK Government is preparing to launch a public consultation on the country’s vaping rules, which are some of the best in the world, acknowledging that switching to vaping helps smokers quit, saving lives and improving the lives of everyone around those who switch.
“We Vape is committed to fighting to make sure the Government and health bodies continue to encourage vaping to help smokers quit,” said Oates. “We know that 94% of vapers are former smokers and that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking. Update research published in the Cochrane Library reaffirms what vapers are telling We Vape – electronic cigarettes can help more people quit smoking than nicotine gum or patches or doing nothing.”
Public Health England has also recommended the use of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool.
“It’s important for vapers to come together in Stoptober with a unified voice against the anti-vaping brigade,” said Oates. “We Vape can help vapers tell their stories with the Government and share real-life examples of how switching to quit has improved the lives of smokers and their families and friends. This Stoptober join We Vape and make sure the Government hears your story.”
News from: https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/news/vaping-news/2020-10-22_we-vape-welcomes-cochrane-update.html